Please use the following inquiry form should you have any inquiries about IWATA GODO, including questions regarding specific services, billing and conflicts.

Please fill out each of the required fields below and then click "Confirm".

Your NameRequired

e.g. IWATA Noriko

Your Company/

Department / Job Title (Optional)

E-mail AddressRequired

Your E-mail AddressRequired

Enter your e-mail address again for confirmation.

Telephone NumberRequired

For Japanese Telephone Numbers:
e.g. 03-1111-1111
For Non-Japanese Telephone Numbers, include the Country Code:
e.g. +1-212-111-1111

Content of Inquiry (Maximum 800 characters) Required

The information you have input will be used to respond to your inquiry.

Please make sure that you have read and agreed to our Security Policy and the Terms of Use below before submitting the form.

[Terms of Use]
  • Please kindly note that Iwata Godo does not accept requests for legal advice or legal opinions through use of the above inquiry form (the "Form"). Use of the Form for sending information to Iwata Godo will not be deemed to have created an attorney-client relationship between any attorney of Iwata Godo and the sender.
  • No information provided to Iwata Godo via the Form may be regarded as confidential information, and no attorney of Iwata Godo will be subject to any confidentiality obligations with respect to any response to an inquiry form without a formally established engagement of services with Iwata Godo. Please be aware that all information provided to Iwata Godo via the Form may be sent not only to attorneys at Iwata Godo, but also non-licensed staff responsible for handling such inquiries at Iwata Godo.
  • Iwata Godo has no obligation to respond to any inquiry submitted via the Form, and will not be responsible for the accuracy of information provided in response to any inquiry submitted via the Form in the absence of an engagement of services. Iwata Godo may refuse to respond to an inquiry, and Iwata Godo will be under no obligation to disclose the reason for any such refusal.
  • Iwata Godo will not be liable or responsible for any and all damages, losses or injuries arising out of the use of the Form.
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