Publications Related to Tax
Mutou Yuuki and Noguchi Daisuke author an article in Business Houmu on stamp tax issues
- Author:
- MUTOU Yuuki NOGUCHI Daisuke
T&A master carries a review of Ishikawa Teppei's new book on doing business with vendors who have consumption tax exemptions
- Author:
Ishikawa Teppei authors a new book on doing business with vendors who have consumption tax exemptions (Chuokeizaisha)
- Author:
Miura Takashi authors a commentary on the JFTC's release on invoicing (Shoji Homu Portal website)
- Author:
- MIURA Takashi
Mutou Yuuki contributed to the publication entitled Tax Law Hanrei Hyakusen (the Selection of 100 Statutes and Precedents) [the 7th edition], which is published by Yuhikaku Publishing Co., Ltd.
- Author:
- MUTOU Yuuki
Lectures, Seminars and Conferences Related to Tax
Mutou Yuuki delivered a lecture titled "How to Deal with Tax Compliance Issues Revealed by Misconduct" at a seminar by Tax Consulting Firm Trust.
Speaker: MUTOU Yuuki
Mutou Yuuki delivered lectures titled "Tips to Handle Tax Investigations Learned from Recent Tax Suits" and "The Latest Trends in Tax Investigations on Large-scale Corporations including Consumer Tax" respectively in the series of lectures titled “Tax Investigations from Lawyers’ Point of View” at Zeimu Kenkyukai.
Speaker: MUTOU Yuuki
Mutou Yuuki delivered a lecture titled "What is Tax Compliance Now Required? - From the Viewpoint of Cooperation between 'Tax' and 'Legal' -" with Yamashita Takashi, a licensed tax accountant, at the Japan Tax Association.
Speaker: MUTOU Yuuki
Muto Yuuki jointly delivered lectures entitled respectively "Tax Cases and Supreme Court - Denso Case as Example" and "Revenue Recognition and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles" in a round-table conference by members of the Japan Tax Association held at the Industry Club of Japan.
Speaker: MUTOU Yuuki
Mutou Yuuki delivered a lecture entitled "1. Tips on Handling of Tax Investigations Derived from Understanding of Tax Suits" and "2. The Latest Trend of Tax Investigations of Large-scale Corporations" at Jitsumu Kenshu Center of Zeimu Kenkyukai.
Speaker: KUDO Ryohei
News Related to Tax
The April 4 Nikkei carried an article on the tax litigation of a major bank which was represented by Toji Yoshihiro, Matsuda Akira, Matsuhashi Sho, and Noguchi Daisuke.
Mutou Yuuki has been seconded to Examination Division I of Tokyo Regional Taxation Bureau as a fixed-term government employee as of July 10.
Practice Areas
- Corporate
- M&A
- Finance
- IPO/Startup Support
- Dispute Resolution
- Crisis Management
- Competition/Antitrust Law
- Intellectual Property
- Information Technology
- Bankruptcy and Corporate Reorganization/Rehabilitation
- Employment Law
- Environment and Global Warming
- Real Estate
- Tax
- Pharma and Healthcare
- Consumer Law
- Non-Profit and Public Corporations
- Pro Bono
- Global Practice