
Tax issues arise in a wide variety of situations, including M&A, restructuring, and cross-border and financial transactions, whether in complex specialized transactions or in the ordinary course of business. We advise clients on tax issues from the planning stage onward in order to minimize tax risk, and in situations such as developing a new line of business we liaise with tax authorities to clarify tax treatment. In addition, as the economy and internationalization advance, difficult tax issues have increased in number, and there are an increasing number of cases where the tax authorities and taxpayers disagree on the appropriate tax treatment. In such cases, we represent clients throughout the entire process, from the authorities' investigation through to administrative appeals and litigation against the tax authorities.

Particularly in recent years, there have been an increasing number of cases where even at the tax investigation stage the use of a law firm has been necessary in addition to the use of a tax advisory firm, because of the different perspective of the two professions. We have been involved in many cases where the tax authorities withdrew their opinion after we submitted our opinion.

Publications Related to Tax

  • 202412

    Mutou Yuuki and Noguchi Daisuke author an article in Business Houmu on stamp tax issues

    MUTOU Yuuki  NOGUCHI Daisuke 
  • 202411

    T&A master carries a review of Ishikawa Teppei's new book on doing business with vendors who have consumption tax exemptions

    ISHIKAWA Teppei 
  • 202410

    Ishikawa Teppei authors a new book on doing business with vendors who have consumption tax exemptions (Chuokeizaisha)

    ISHIKAWA Teppei 
  • 202306

    Miura Takashi authors a commentary on the JFTC's release on invoicing (Shoji Homu Portal website)

    MIURA Takashi 
  • 202106

    Mutou Yuuki contributed to the publication entitled Tax Law Hanrei Hyakusen (the Selection of 100 Statutes and Precedents) [the 7th edition], which is published by Yuhikaku Publishing Co., Ltd.

    MUTOU Yuuki 


Lectures, Seminars and Conferences Related to Tax

  • 201811

    Mutou Yuuki delivered a lecture titled "How to Deal with Tax Compliance Issues Revealed by Misconduct" at a seminar by Tax Consulting Firm Trust.

    Speaker: MUTOU Yuuki 

  • 201811

    Mutou Yuuki delivered lectures titled "Tips to Handle Tax Investigations Learned from Recent Tax Suits" and "The Latest Trends in Tax Investigations on Large-scale Corporations including Consumer Tax" respectively in the series of lectures titled “Tax Investigations from Lawyers’ Point of View” at Zeimu Kenkyukai.

    Speaker: MUTOU Yuuki 

  • 201810

    Mutou Yuuki delivered a lecture titled "What is Tax Compliance Now Required? - From the Viewpoint of Cooperation between 'Tax' and 'Legal' -" with Yamashita Takashi, a licensed tax accountant, at the Japan Tax Association.

    Speaker: MUTOU Yuuki 

  • 201711

    Muto Yuuki jointly delivered lectures entitled respectively "Tax Cases and Supreme Court - Denso Case as Example" and "Revenue Recognition and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles" in a round-table conference by members of the Japan Tax Association held at the Industry Club of Japan.

    Speaker: MUTOU Yuuki 

  • 201709

    Mutou Yuuki delivered a lecture entitled "1. Tips on Handling of Tax Investigations Derived from Understanding of Tax Suits" and "2. The Latest Trend of Tax Investigations of Large-scale Corporations" at Jitsumu Kenshu Center of Zeimu Kenkyukai.

    Speaker: KUDO Ryohei 


News Related to Tax

  • 202204

    The April 4 Nikkei carried an article on the tax litigation of a major bank which was represented by Toji Yoshihiro, Matsuda Akira, Matsuhashi Sho, and Noguchi Daisuke.

  • 201507

    Mutou Yuuki has been seconded to Examination Division I of Tokyo Regional Taxation Bureau as a fixed-term government employee as of July 10.


  • TOP
  • Tax