- General Corporate
- Corporate Governance
- Shareholders' Meetings
General Corporate
Corporate Governance
Shareholders' Meetings
Publications Related to Corporate
IG lawyers co-author "Guide to New Commercial Case Law No. 787" in Shoji Homu No. 2378
Shoji Homu publishes a new edition of Civil Law for Legal Managers, authored by Toji Yoshihiro and Saito Hiroki
- Author:
- TOJI Yoshihiro SAITO Hiroki
Fukuchi Takumi authors a commentary on the Consumer Affairs Agency's study group on whistleblower protection (Shoji Homu Portal website)
- Author:
- FUKUCHI Takumi
Kunimoto Kazuki authors a commentary on amendments to the disclosure requirements for TSE-listed companies (Shoji Homu Portal website)
- Author:
Haga Ryo, Advisor at Iwata Godo, authors an article in Gekkan Kansayaku on the role of auditors in the nominating process for corporate directors
- Author:
- HAGA Ryo
Lectures, Seminars and Conferences Related to Corporate
Motomura Takeshi and Yamada Kohei give a seminar for corporate officers managing shareholder meetings "30 Must-Know Judicial Precedents for Managing Shareholder Meetings" at Shoji Homu
Speaker: MOTOMURA Takeshi YAMADA Kohei
For Shoji Homu's "Business Law School" seminar series, Motomura Takeshi and Tomita Yusuke give a seminar "Strategic Approaches to Litigation for In-House Lawyers"
Speaker: MOTOMURA Takeshi TOMITA Yusuke
For Shoji Homu's "Business Law School" seminar series, Ito Hiroki and Mori Shunsuke give a seminar "Preparing for Activist Shareholder Proposals"
Speaker: ITO Hiroki MORI Shunsuke
Iida Hiroshi gives seminars for Tokubouren on abusive customers and anonymous mobile crime groups
Speaker: IIDA Hiroshi
Iida Hiroshi gives a seminar at Hosokaikan "Update on Organized Crime: Proceeds of Crime, Illicit Finance, Recovering Damages"
Speaker: IIDA Hiroshi
News Related to Corporate
The November 23 Nikkei carries a comment by Ito Hiroki in its article "7&i Holdings: Choices for the Special Committee"
The June 10 Nikkei carried a comment by Yoshihara Tomomichi in its article on an acquisition-related shareholder resolution at Toyo Construction.
The Nikkei carried a comment by Uenishi Takuya.
Uenishi Takuya's comment appeared in Nikkei article "Collusion is not Accepted in the Shareholders Meeting: Kansai Super and H2O are Integrated Today. Transparency is Essential for Resolution Rules." on page 17 of its morning edition dated December 15, 2021.
The Nikkei carried a comment by Uenishi Takuya.
His comment appeared in the Nikkei article "Osaka High Court Overrules District Court, Allows Integration at Kansai Super Market" on page 17 of its morning edition of December 8.
Toji Yoshihiro has been ranked eighth in the area of the corporate legal affairs in the ranking of the best performing lawyers in 2015 (lawyers' ranking selected by companies) derived from the 11th "Corporate Legal Affairs and Lawyer Survey" conducted by Nikkei Inc.
Practice Areas
- Corporate
- M&A
- Finance
- IPO/Startup Support
- Dispute Resolution
- Crisis Management
- Competition/Antitrust Law
- Intellectual Property
- Information Technology
- Bankruptcy and Corporate Reorganization/Rehabilitation
- Employment Law
- Environment and Global Warming
- Real Estate
- Tax
- Pharma and Healthcare
- Consumer Law
- Non-Profit and Public Corporations
- Pro Bono
- Global Practice