Bar Association
Dai-Ichi Tokyo Bar Association
Japanese (native)/English
Telephone Number
E-mail address

Practice Areas

Engaged Cases

Engaged Cases
- Providing advice on corporate management- and overall management-related legal affairs, crisis management, equity governance, etc.

- Having extensive experiences in various fields of lawsuits in general, including not only fields such as corporate-related lawsuits, damages suits, competition laws-related disputes, and tax disputes (filing of objections, appeal examination, tax suites), but also labor-related suits (on employers’ behalf) and intellectual property-related suits. Also having experiences in fields, such as international commercial arbitrations and multi-party litigations (on behalf of defendant in class actions).
- Giving support to operation of shareholders’ general meetings (e.g. arrangement of a rehearsal, attendance at the general meetings, handling of legal proceedings, proxy fight, and activists (including litigation) etc.)

- Handling of shareholder’s proposal, negotiation with activist fund on behalf of issuing company, immediate actions against various petitions for provisional disposition made by shareholders, etc., as well as proxy solicitation and proxy fight, etc.

- Handling labor compliance matters (Handling employer’s labor troubles, work-related accidents and harassment-related lawsuits, etc., and also providing seminars on labor matters)

- IPO (for 3 already listed companies, currently supporting listing applications of several companies)

- Filing application on client’s behalf for reduction and exemption of penalties in relation to an international cartel case (leniency application in case of a breach of competition laws, voluntary application in case of a breach of the Subcontract Act.

- Assuming office as outside officers (outside director, director as an audit and supervisory committee member (outside director)/assumption of outside director or auditor)

- Assuming office as a director of an incorporated foundation and a councilor of an incorporated foundation

- Serving as a legal adviser in the following cases of corporate reorganization, M&A and equity finance:

    ✧Providing legal advice and implementation of due diligence on cases such as M&A and corporate reorganization
     For example, conglomerate-affiliated real estate company/real estate company (on behalf of business partner and investor),
     Food company/manufacturer (on behalf of acquirer), real estate company/temp staffing agency (acquisition) and other numerous cases (involvement in a number of M&A of mid-sized construction company, manufacturer, material and parts manufacturers, etc.)
    ✧Providing legal advice and acting as legal counsel in relation to TOB

     Printing company/printing company (on behalf of acquirer in 2009), 

     Temp staffing agency/its listed subsidiary (on behalf of acquired company in 2009),
     Nonferrous metal company/nonferrous metal and material manufacturer (on behalf of acquirer in 2015)
     Founder’s asset management company/food company (on behalf of acquired company in 2017),
     Founder’s asset management company/cosmetic company (on behalf of acquired company in 2018),
     Manufacturer of metal molds for semiconductor manufacturing equipment/transportation equipment manufacturer (on behalf of acquired company in 2019), general trading company (parent company)/telecommunication company (subsidiary company) (on behalf of acquired company in 2022) and many other cases. 

    ✧Serving for a third-party committee for capital increase through a private placement
    Listed condominium developer (twice in 2014 )

    ✧Providing legal advice on delisting through share exchange

     Conglomerate-affiliated business entity/listed subsidiary (on behalf of delisted company in 2015),

     IT related company/record company (on behalf of delisted company in 2017)
    ✧Serving as a member of special committee with regard to MBO/providing advice on MBO

     Listed aircraft manufacturer/listed property management company (in 2012)
    ✧Assuming office as a member of special committee with regard to takeover defenses (a member in a listed company/ holding offices in 3 companies at present)

- Serving for third-party committees, special investigation committees and internal investigation committees to deal with corporate scandals

    ✧Serving as a member of many third-party committees regarding case of corporate scandals, etc. (serving as chairman regarding each case of inappropriate accounting (the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange), insider trading by outside officers (JASDAQ), quality issues (the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange), fictitious transactions and circular transactions (JASDAQ), accounting and pay governance issues for overseas M&A (negative goodwill and executive compensation) (the second section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange), cost replacement and repeated scandals (the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange), fraud by telecommunication fraud and secrecy in communications (TSE Prime), and investigation of accounting irregularities stemming from employee fraud (TSE Standard))
    ✧Handling cases of improper accounting, window-dressing settlement, management of overseas subsidiaries and antisocial forces (the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange)

    ✧Serving for third-party committees triggered by a compulsory investigation by the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission (alleged violation of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act) (multiple support)
    ✧Serving for special investigation committees regarding violation of the regulation on insider trading

    ✧Serving for investigation committees regarding harassment, etc. (manufacturer, financial institution, educational institution, etc.)
    ✧Providing advice of implementation of measures to prevent recurrence (including responding to the competent authorities)
    ✧Other than above, advisor to the Board of Director, setup of internal investigative third-party committees and operation of its secretariats, etc. in the event of occurrence of corporate scandals, and many other cases.
- Other than advisor to the Board of Director, setup of investigative third-party committees and operation of its secretariats, etc. , serving for many cases
List of main engaged litigation cases:

- A number of corporate lawsuits (on behalf of business operators) such as action for rescission of a resolution of shareholders’ meeting, claim to view and copy shareholder list, claim to view and copy account books, petition to decide acquisition price of shares (on behalf of issuing company/Tokyo High Court (decision) April 15, 2016, Tokyo District Court (decision) December 20, 2016 (Shoji Homu Vol. 401, p.36), petition to select inspector for shareholders’ meeting, petition for permission to view and copy of minutes of board-of-directors meeting, and petition for order of provisional disposition for injunction of illegal acts claimed by shareholders against directors(on behalf of business operators/Yokohama District Court (decision) May 16, 2017 (Shoji Homu Vol. 411, p.125) Oasis vs. Toshiba Plant).

- A number of competition law cases (on behalf of business operators)such as case of abuse of dominant bargaining position (request for trial), Fair Trade Commission trial decision, November 10, 1999 (1997 (decision) No.5, Tokyomusen Taxi Cooperative case), and cartel class action cases (on behalf of business operators/Supreme Court (decision) July 18, 2002 (Supreme court cases civil No. 206, p.887)).

- Tax lawsuits (on behalf of business operators) such as claim of reversal of taxation.

- A number of labor lawsuits (on behalf of employers) such as claim to confirm the invalidity of dismissal (Amagasaki Branch of Kobe District Court (decision) February 28, 2008 (Hanrei Jiho No. 2027, p.74)), claim to confirm the invalidity of disciplinary punishment, and harassment-related cases.

- A number of new-type product lawsuits (on behalf of financial institutions) such as claim to confirm transaction agreement, claim to return unauthorized benefit (Tokyo District Court (decision) October 31, 2012 (Hanrei Times Vol. 1408, p.336)), rejection of request for an account opening (Tokyo District Court (decision) December 16, 2014 (Kinyu Houmu Jijo No. 2011, p.108)), case-related to Article 23(2) of the Attorney Act (Tottori District Court (decision) March 11, 2016 (Kinyu Houmu Jijo Vol.2040, p.94)) and handling of Financial ADR.

- Corporate reorganization cases (on behalf of petitioners) such as filing of a petition for reorganization proceedings for Kabushiki Kaisha Yaohan Japan (decision to commence on December 18, 1997 by Shizuoka District Court), and filing of a petition for reorganization proceedings for Kabushiki Kaisha Kyodosha (decision to commence on June 8, 1998 by Akita District Court)

- A number of temporary restraining orders (on behalf of business operator) such as provisional disposition prohibiting publication on website (Saitama District Court (decision) May 19, 2016 (Hanrei Jiho No.2293, p.99)).

- Large-scale lawsuits (on behalf of business operators) class action by consumers (on behalf of credit corporations/Koko Yamaoka case), and environmental-issue cases (on behalf of business operators).
… and many other cases.

Career Summary

August 1970
Born in Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo, Japan
Rye Country Day School(Short-term study abroad scholarships, NY)
Punahou School(Short-term study abroad scholarships, Hawaii)
March 1995
Received his LL.M. from Keio University Graduate School of Civil Law
March 1997
Received his Diploma from the Legal Training and Research Institute of the Supreme Court of Japan (49th)
April 1997
Registered as an Japanese attorney and joined Iwata Godo
April 1999 to March 2000
Permanent Member of Daiichi Tokyo BAR Association
June 2003
Received his LL.M from the University of Washington Law School
October 2003 to June 2004
Seconded to Steptoe & Johnson LLP, Washington, D.C.
2005 to 2013
Member of both Compliance Proficiency Test Question Preparation Committee and its Management Committee established by Regional Banks Association of Japan
June 2007 to May 2015
Auditor-secretary for Otsuma Gakuin Educational Corporation and Otsuma Women's University
September 2007 to March 2015
Lecturer at Keio University Law School
June 2008 to May 2013
Auditor-secretary for Seibi Gakuen Educational Corporation
April 2009 to March 2010
Permanent Member of Daiichi Tokyo BAR Association
April 2010 to March 2015
Vice Chairman of Special Committee on Measures against Racketeering through Intercession in Civil Disputes (Dai-ichi Tokyo Bar Association)
2015 to 2016
Commissioner of Compliance Proficiency Test held by Regional Banks Association of Japan
April 2015 to March 2018
Professor for Civil Advocacy at the Legal Training and Research Institute of the Supreme Court of Japan
June 2016 -
Outside Director & Full-Time Supervisory Board Member of Data Applications Co., Ltd.
April 2017 to March 2018
Outside Director of Hitowa Holdings Co., Ltd.
November 2017 to October 2023
Outside Corporate Auditor of Arteria Networks Corporation
June 2018 to June 2021
Outside Auditor of Oi Electric Co., Ltd.
April 2019 to March 2020
Appointed to a visiting professorship of Institute of Business Law and Comparative Law & Politics (IBC), Graduate Schools for Law and Politics, the University of Tokyo
December 2019 to May 2023
Outside auditor-secretary for Otsuma Gakuin Educational Institution
April 2020 to March 2021
Part-Time Lecturer at The University of Tokyo Graduate Schools for Law and Politics
June 2023 -
Appointed as Outside Director of Otsuma Gakuin Educational Institution and Otsuma Women's University
June 2023 -
Outside Director of Oi Electric Co., Ltd.
October 2023 -
December 2023 -
Outside Corporate Auditor of Toppan Photomask Co., Ltd.

Professional Memberships

  • Japan Association of Corporate Executives


The Best Lawyers in Japan 2025
The Best Lawyers in Japan 2024
The Best Lawyers in Japan 2023
Nihon Keizai Shimbun ranking of lawyers active in 2023

List of Main Publications

-“Shareholder Meetings: 2024 and Roadmaps for the Future” (single author, March 2024 issue of Business Houmu)
-“Three Reasons for Corporate Corruption: Is there Integrity?” (co-author, Chuokeizai-sha, 2023)
-【Business Legal's 25th Anniversary Special Feature】~Trajectories and Prospects of Companies Act~“Shareholder Derivative Litigation” (single author, August 2023 issue of Business Houmu)
-“Adjourned Shareholder Meetings: Postponed Filing of Securities Reports in Corporate Scandals” (October issue of Shoji Homu)
-“6,000 Lectures on Legal Issues for Financial Institutions” (co-author, Kinzai Institute For Financial Affairs, Inc., 2022)
-“Index of Judicial Precedents for Shareholder’s Meeting” (co-author, Shoji Homu Co., Ltd., January 2019)
-“Q&A on Amendment to Law of Obligations – Fully Adapt to the Changes in Financial Business Practice” (co-author and co-editor, Banking Education Co. Ltd., September 2018)
-“5,000 Lectures on Legal Issues for Financial Institutions” (co-author, Kinzai Institute For Financial Affairs, Inc., 2018)
-“Q&A Regarding Amendments to the Civil Code Having Influence on Financial Business Practice –Law of Obligations, Handling of Deposits and Guarantee Business Will be Changed–” (author and editor, Banking Education Co. Ltd., June 2017)
-“New Story of Shareholders' Meeting” (co-author, Shoji Houmu, 2017)
-“Legal Practices for Executives of Financial Institutions – Duties in the Era of Corporate Governance Code – ” (author and editor, Kinzai Institute For Financial Affairs, Inc., March 2016)
-“Commercial Judicial Precedent which Adds Color to the Period” (co-author, Shoji Houmu, November 2015)
-“IPO and Strategic Legal Affairs - Taking into Account the Viewpoint of Accountant” (author and editor, Shoji Homu, January 2015)
- “Handbook on how to prevent antisocial transaction and money laundering for banking offices” (co-author, Banking Education Co., Ltd., April 2014)
-“Q&A Concerning Internet Banking” (author and editor, Kinzai Institute For Financial Affairs, Inc., February 2014)
-“4500 lectures on legal countermeasures for bank teller” (co-author, Kinzai Institute for financial affairs, Inc., June 2013)
- “A story of shareholders’ meeting” (co-author, Shoji Houmu, November 2012)
- “Main points of seniors – Mastering the deal with seniors” (co-author, Regional Banks Association of Japan, May 2012)
- “Handling provisions on gang elimination in the insurance industry” (author andeditor , Kinzai Institute for Financial Affairs, April 2012)
- “Q&A for general corporations and public-interest corporations on governance” (representative editor, Kinzai Institute for Financial Affairs, March 2012)
- “How to establish and manage a Third-party Committee” (representative editor, Kinzai Institute for Financial Affairs, June 2011)
- “100 lectures on how to handle anti-social forces in financial practices” (author andeditor , Kinzai Institute for Financial Affairs, June 2010)
- “Basic Course on Financial Instruments and Exchange Act –sales/soliciting rules and important points in practical business #2” (co-author, Regional Banks Association of Japan, November 2009)
- “Basic Course on Financial Instruments and Exchange Act –Legal system of consumers protection law and key point of Financial Instruments and Exchange laws #1” (co-author, Regional Banks Association of Japan, September 2009)
- “Theory and practices in eliminating anti-social forces in the financial industry” (co-author, Kinzai Institute for Financial Affairs, June 2008)
- “Key points of the New Companies Act and its impacts on banks’ operations” (co-author, Regional Banks Association of Japan, 2006)
- “Legal manual for corporate management: How to protect companies from anti-social forces” (author and editor, Nikkei BP, 2006)
- “Manual for the legal staffs when facing a civil action” (co-author, Shoji Homu, 2005)
【Reports/Discussion Papers】
- “Points of Documentary Surveys by Industry" (co-author, Business Houmu, July 2022)
- “Directors/Auditors and Risk Management/Internal Control System" (co-author, December 2021 issue of a monthly magazine, Gekkan Kansayaku)
- “Points in Communicating with Outside Directors in Time of Peace and Emergency”(co-author, October 2021 issue of a monthly magazine, Gekkan Kansayaku)
- “Practices of an Investigation Committee Contributing to Financial Practices - Practices of the Investigation Committee and Several Challenges” (Kinyu Homu Jijo, June 25, 2020 issue)
- “Filing a False Tax Return by a Third Party and Requirements for Imposing a Heavy Additional Tax” (Jurist No. 1536, September 2019)
- “Expected Issues on Contracts with Freelance Workers with Intensifying Competition for Acquiring Human Resources” (co-author, Roseijiho 3976, July 26, 2019).
- “Practical Measures to be Taken for 2019 Shareholders’ Meeting (6): Examples of Q&A Expected at Shareholders’ Meeting” (co-author, Shunkan Shoji Homu No. 2194, March 25, 2019)
- “Plea-bargaining System in Japan and Economic Crimes: Points to Note in Applying the System” (co-author, Business Law Journal No. 130, January 2019)
- “Prescription / Limitation of Period and Management of Continuing Contract - In Light of Amended Law of Obligations –” (co-author, Business Law Journal No. 129, December 2018)
- “Introduction Course for Newly Appointed Auditors: Authority, Responsibility, and Response for Misconduct - (1) Laws and Regulations that Auditors, etc. must be familiar with” (co-author, July 2018 issue of a monthly magazine, Gekkan Kansayaku)
- “Introduction Course for Newly Appointed Auditors: Authority, Responsibility, and Response for Misconduct – (2) Auditors’ Duty and Authority, etc.” (co-author, August 2018 issue of a monthly magazine, Gekkan Kansayaku)
- “Introduction Course for Newly Appointed Auditors: Authority, Responsibility, and Response for Misconduct – (3) Board of Auditors and Board of Directors: Important Roles of Auditors, etc. independent of Execution of Operation” (co-author, September 2018 issue of a monthly magazine, Gekkan Kansayaku)
- “Introduction Course for Newly Appointed Auditors: Authority, Responsibility, and Response for Misconduct – (4) Board of Auditors and Shareholders’ Meeting: Roles which Auditors, etc. should Fulfill for Shareholders” (co-author, October 2018 issue of a monthly magazine, Gekkan Kansayaku)
- “Introduction Course for Newly Appointed Auditors: Authority, Responsibility, and Response for Misconduct – (5) Auditors’ Obligation and Responsibility, etc.” (co-author, November 2018 issue of a monthly magazine, Gekkan Kansayaku)
- “Introduction Course for Newly Appointed Auditors: Authority, Responsibility, and Response for Misconduct – (6) Roles of Auditors, etc. for Corporate Scandals: Detective Controls and Response to Investigation, etc.” (co-author, December 2018 issue of a monthly magazine, Gekkan Kansayaku)
- “Commentary on Tokyo District Court Decision for Olympus Accounting Fraud Case - CEO Dismissal and Best Practice for Officers in the Age of Monitoring” (co-author, Gekkan Kansayaku, February 2018)
- “Key Points in Reviewing Manual on Compliance with Investigation Procedures under the Anti-monopoly Act – Defensive Measures through Across-the-Board Cooperation for On-site Inspection” (co-author, Business Law Journal No. 120, March 2018)
- “New Points to Remember for Operation of Shareholders Meetings in Light of Fuji Media Holdings, Inc. Case – Regarding the Suitability of Questions by Employee Shareholders -” (co-author, Business Law Journal No.111, June 2017)
- "Strategic Legal Practices Actively Using the System of Voluntary Reporting on Violation of the Subcontract Act (Part II)" (co-author, Business Law Journal No. 110, May 2017)
- "Strategic Legal Practices Actively Using the System of Voluntary Reporting on Violation of the Subcontract Act (Part I)" (co-author, Business Law Journal No. 109, April 2017)
- “New Year Round-table Talk: Business Judgment and Proactive Corporate Governance for a ‘Hybrid-model’ Board of Directors, etc. (I), (II)” (Moderator, Shoji Homu No. 2089, January 5 and 15, 2016 & No. 2090, January 25, 2016)
- “Corporate Legal Affairs and Judicial Precedents – Role of Shin Shoji Hanrei Binran to Play” (co-author, Shoji Homu November 25, 2015 issue)
- “Common Response with respect to Transactions between Japanese Companies” (Business Law Journal No. 93, December 2015)
- “Study toward Amendment to Articles of Incorporation Concerning Exclusion of Anti-social Forces from Shareholders (Teikan-bouhai) ” (co-author, Shoji Homu No. 2075, August 2015)
- “The Sixty-Year History of Shin Shoji Hanrei Binran – Looking Back on Court Decisions which Added Color to the Period (I)-(IV)" (co-author, Shoji Homu No.2056-2059, issues from January 25 through February 25, 2015)
- “Presumed Q/As in shareholder’s general meetings – general meetings put to the test for the growth strategy” (Shoji Homu No. 2031, April 25, 2014)
- “Self report on violation of the Subcontract Act” (co-author, Business Homu Vol. 13 No. 10, October 2013)
- “Important points in the transport industry, printing and publishing industry, and manufacturers (repair contract)” (co-author, Business Homu Vol. 13 No. 8, August 2013)
- “Important points in the software industry” (co-author, Business Homu Vol. 13 No. 7, July 2013)
- “Special Edition: Influence on practical business for financing in accordance with draft interim proposal for amending the Civil Code – IV. Influence upon termination of agreement and collection of claims and how to cope with them (Ginko Jitsumu Vol. 43 No.6, June 2013)
- “Important points in the retail industry (such as supermarkets)” (co-author, Business Homu Vol. 13 No. 6, June 2013)
- “Investigation and measures by Authorities” (co-author, Business Homu Vol. 13 No. 5, May 2013)
- “Understand clearly in chronological order - Roles of Accounting and Finance officers in General Meeting” (co-author, Keiri Jouhou No. 1344, April 10, 2013)
- “Overview of regulations under the Subcontract Act” (co-author, Business Homu Vol. 13 No. 4, April 2013)
- “Lawsuit from a disadvantageous side and a control of lawsuit” (Business Houmu Vol. 13 No. 3, March 2013)
- “Practical business response learning from the financial ADR cases” (co-author, Ginko Jitsumu Vol. 42 No.10, October 2012)
- “An Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of Olympus: Listing all Convocation Notices” (co-author, document version of Shoji Homu, No.339, 2012)
- “Special Edition: How to Deal with Debtor’s Death and Subsequent Inheritance” (co-author, Ginko Jitsumu, August 2012)
- ”Legal issues in the prevention measures against illegal usage of bank account” (co-author, Kinyu Houmu Jijo Vol.1937, January 10, 2012)
- “Considerations in the countermeasures after the recognition of illegal usage of bank account” (co-author, Kinyu Homu Jijo, No.1937, January 10, 2012)
- “Garnishment action for deposits at virtual bank” (co-author, Ginko Jitsumu Vol.42 No.1, January 2012)
- “What we need to consider when refusing anti-social forces at sales branches” (co-author, Ginko Jitsumu, Vol.41 No.11, December 2011)
- “Countermeasures against earthquake disasters and the associated practical business” (co-author, Ginko Jitsumu, Vol 41 No.7, July 2011)
- “Shareholders’ meetings of regional banks: New Era for shareholders’ meetings ‘from being ceremony to being voting venue’” (co-author, Kinyu Homu Jijo, No.1919, April 10, 2011)
- “Special Edition: All about measures for shareholders’ meetings of regional banks” (co-author, Kinyu Homu Jijo, No. 1919, April 10, 2011)
- “Analysis on fact-finding investigation relating to shareholders’ meeting of regional financial institutions” (Kinyu Homu Jijo, No. 1919, April 10, 2011)
- “Thorough study of financial institutions’ responses to anti-social forces (Practical guidelines for sales branches)” (Financial Compliance, Vol 41. No.2, February 2011)
- “Considerations for shareholders’ meeting” (co-author, Kinyu Homu Jijo, Vol. 1901, July 10, 2010)
- “Necessity of dissociating from anti-social force and the litigation risk” (Kinyu Homu Jijo, Vol. 1901, July 10, 2010)
- “Priorities of dissociating from anti-social force” (co-author, Kinyu Homu Jijo, Vol. 1901, July 10, 2010)
- “Review of the Revised Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions: Further financing facilitation fueled by public fund injection” (co-author, Financial Compliance, May 2010)
- “Q&A -- Amending the law of obligations and impact on banking practices (Second Part)” (co-author, Financial Compliance, March 2010)
- “Q&A -- Amending the law of obligations and its impact on banking practices (First Part)” (Financial Compliance, February 2010)
- “Points to identify and judge anti-social forces in bank transactions” (co-author, Financial Compliance, June 2009)
- “How to restrict transactions with anti-social forces and establish banks’ internal structures” (Financial Compliance, April 2008)
- “Arbitrary decisions by bank’s president on big loans and responsibilities of executive officers” (Financial Compliance, February 2008)
- “Regional banks’ M&A Strategy: Acquisition of 100% ownership of a securities company” (co-author, Ginko Jitsumu, No.566 and No.567, 2006)
- “Divulging of personal information and compensation to victims” (Financial Compliance, March 2006)
- Propriety of claim seeking confirmation that special property corresponds to so-called property of special benefit (Decision at Supreme Court, 3rd Petty Bench, 7 March 1995, Minshu Vol.49, No. 3 at 893) (Saikosai Minso Jirei Kenkyu, Hogaku Kenkyu Vol. 69, No. 5)

【Series of Articles】
- "Shin Shoji Hanrei Binran " (Shoji Homu, posted on the 25th day issue of each month)

【External Seminar./Lecture Meeting, Seminars and Conferences】
- The symposium entitled “Scandals of enterprises: Current circumstances and future prospect of a third party committee” (NBL No. 978 (June 2012))
- Session titled ”AI Governance and its Evaluation: #7 ‘Practices of Investigating Accidents / Third Party Committee’ “ (JDLA Study Group (Japan Deep Learning Association), December 10, 202 )
(English web site)




  • 202412

    Motomura Takeshi and Yamada Kohei give a seminar for corporate officers managing shareholder meetings "30 Must-Know Judicial Precedents for Managing Shareholder Meetings" at Shoji Homu

    Speaker: MOTOMURA Takeshi  YAMADA Kohei 

  • 202411

    For Shoji Homu's "Business Law School" seminar series, Motomura Takeshi and Tomita Yusuke give a seminar "Strategic Approaches to Litigation for In-House Lawyers"

    Speaker: MOTOMURA Takeshi  TOMITA Yusuke 

  • 202209

    Motomura Takeshi, Mutou Yuuki and Saito Hiroki gave an online seminar "How Listed Companies Should Handle the Discovery of an Accounting Error"

  • 201910

    Motomura Takeshi and Yoshihara Tomomichi delivered a lecture titled " Commentary on the Highlights of the Latest Important Commercial Judicial Precedent - the Utilization Method of the Court Cases which Legal Personnel should Grasp" at the sola city hall of sola city Conference Center.

  • 201908

    Motomura Takeshi delivered a lecture entitled "Consider the Board Oversight and Supervision Functions" with Mr. Yusuke Ishii of Mori Hamada & Matsumoto at a conference room on the 3rd floor of Shoji Houmu.

    Speaker: MOTOMURA Takeshi 

  • 201808

    Motomura Takeshi, Mutou Yuuki and Sasaki Tomoo participated in a panel discussion of IPO seminar jointly held by Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Group, Plutus Consulting and Iwata Godo.

  • 201807

    Motomura Takeshi and Yoshihara Tomomichi delivered a lecture titled "Commentary on Latest Important Judicial Precedents Personnel in Charge of Legal Affairs Need to Know" at TOC Gotanda Messe.

  • 201803

    Motomura Takeshi, Eiguchi Manabu, Matsuda Akira delivered a lecture entitled "Seminar on Global Antimonopoly Laws - Key Points in Legal Practices Concerning Enforcement by Antimonopoly Authorities - from Perspectives at Home and Abroad” which was co-hosted by Business Law Journal and our firm at Iwata Godo.

  • 201707

    Motomura Takeshi delivered a lecture entitled "Dispute Resolution Practice in Corporate Legal Affairs- Legal Strategy Focusing on Lawsuits" at a conference room on the 3rd floor of ShojiHomu Co., Ltd.

    Speaker: MOTOMURA Takeshi 

  • 201705

    Motomura Takeshi and Yoshihara Tomomichi delivered a lecture entitled "Commentary on Latest Important Commercial Judicial Precedents for Personnel in Charge of Legal Affairs to Need to Know" at the seminar hosted by the Association of Corporate Legal Departments.

  • 201704

    Motomura Takeshi and Sakamoto Tomoko delivered a lecture entitled "Regional Financial Institutions Holding Shareholders' General Meeting - Important Points in Management of Annual Meeting of Shareholders in 2017" at the Second Association of Regional Bank

  • 201702

    We held a seminar entitled "The Latest Trend of Business Succession Practice in Light of Business Succession Guidelines," inviting officers of the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency as guest speakers, at our office on February 20, 2017.

  • 201702

    Motomura Takeshi delivered a lecture entitled "Dispute Resolution Practices in Corporate Legal Affairs - Legal Strategy Focusing on Lawsuits -" at Shojihomu Co., Ltd.

    Speaker: MOTOMURA Takeshi 

  • 201609

    Motomura Takeshi, Ito Hiroki delivered a lecture entitled "Points to Consider in Business Succession from Business Law Perspective" on September 6, 2016, at FP Business Study Group held by Kinzai, Co., Ltd.

    Speaker: MOTOMURA Takeshi  ITO Hiroki 

  • 201607

    Hosomizo Kiyoshi, Motomura Takeshi and Matsuda Takao delivered lectures at a seminar entitled "Management of Financial Institutions and Duties of the Executives in the Era of Corporate Governance Code" at Roppongi Hills Mori Tower on May 31, 2016. For pictures of the seminar, please click here.

  • 201605

    Motomura Takeshi and Yoshihara Tomomichi will deliver a lecture entitled "Commentary on Latest Important Commercial Judicial Precedents for Personnel in Charge of Legal Affairs to Need to Know" at the seminar hosted by the Association of Corporate Legal Departments on May 16, 2016.

  • 201508

    Matsuda Takao, Kudo Ryohei and Motomura Takeshi will deliver a lecture entitled "Strategic Legal Practices for IPO from 5 Perspectives ? People, Goods (Contract), Money, Information and Time” at the head office of Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank on August 27, 2015, as part of “IPO Seminar” co-hosted by Daiwa Securities Co.Ltd., Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Group and Iwata Godo.

  • 201508

    Motomura Takeshi delivered a lecture entitled “Dispute Resolution Practice in Corporate Legal Affairs- Legal Strategy Focusing on Lawsuits” both at MyDome Osaka on July 27, 2015, and at SHOJIHOMU, Co., Ltd. on August 3, 2015.

    Speaker: MOTOMURA Takeshi 

  • 201504

    Izumi Atsushi, David Walsh and Motomura Takeshi delivered a lecture entitled "Strategic Measures to Deal with International Cartel Investigations - in Preparation for Contingencies in the United States/Europe-" at Ark Hills Club on Wednesday, April 8, 2015, co-hosted by Steptoe & Johnson LLP, a major law firm based in the United States and Europe, and Iwata Godo. We are sincerely grateful of the many guests who attended.

    Speaker: MOTOMURA Takeshi  IZUMI Atsushi 

  • 201503

    Motomura Takeshi delivered a lecture entitled “Practical Business for Dispute Resolution in the Area of Corporate Law ? Legal Strategy Focusing on Lawsuits” at a conference room of Shoji Homu.

    Speaker: MOTOMURA Takeshi 

  • 201502

    Motomura Takeshi will deliver a lecture entitled ”Dispute Resolution Practice in Corporate Legal Affairs - Legal Strategy Focusing on Lawsuits” on February 24, 2015 at SHOJIHOMU Co., Ltd.

    Speaker: MOTOMURA Takeshi 

  • 201405

    Lectures entitled "Net branches/a new type of settlement/tablets - trends and important points in legal works -" by Suzuki Masato, Masamoto Yuya and Okushi Kenichi together with Daisuke Tsutsumi of NTT Data Institute of Management Consulting, Inc. and ”Forefront of eliminating antisocial forces among financial institutions - in light of examples -” by Takeshi Motomura and Masato Suzuki will be delivered, respectively, in Finance Forum 2014 (Hosted by Seminar Info Co., Ltd. at Bellesalle Kanda) on Friday, May 23, 2014.Please visit the following website for details. We regret to inform you, however the numbers of applications have already outstripped the capacity of the venue and therefore registrations for both lectures are now closed. Thank you all for your interest in these lectures.

  • 201402

    Motomura Takeshi delivered a lecture entitled "Practical business of dispute resolution in corporate legal duties: Legal strategies focusing on litigation" at a Business Law School (held in Tokyo) hosted by Shoji Homu.

    Speaker: MOTOMURA Takeshi 

  • 201308

    Motomura Takeshi delivered a lecture entitled "Practical business of dispute resolution in corporate legal duties: Legal strategies focusing on litigation" at a Business Law School (held in Osaka) hosted by Shoji Homu.

    Speaker: MOTOMURA Takeshi 

  • 201212

    Toji Yoshihiro, Ueda Atsushi and Sakamoto Tomoko participated as a panelist, and Motomura Takeshi served as a moderator, in the symposium entitled “Recent rules on sales and solicitation of products with risks in regional banks and its countermeasures in the future.”

  • 201211

    Motomura Takeshi conducted a lecture entitled “Practical procedures regarding dispute resolution under the Companies Law: Legal strategies focused on lawsuits” at a business law school hosted by Shoji Houmu.

    Speaker: MOTOMURA Takeshi 

  • 201207

    Motomura Takeshi participated in the 76th seminar entitled "Company scandals and a third-party committee: Consideration on the nature of a third-party committee” (at a Hall of the Industry Club of Japan) as a moderator (panelists were Ushijima Shin(Representative attorney at Ushijima & Partners attorneys-at-law), Tanaka Wataru (Associate professor at the Institute of Social Science, the University of Tokyo), and Rimbara Yukio (Statutory auditor at Citigroup Japan Holdings Corp.)), sponsored by the Japan Corporate Governance Network on Monday, July 30th.

    Speaker: MOTOMURA Takeshi 

  • 201207

    Motomura Takeshi conducted a lecture entitled “Basic knowledge on contracts in practical business (Overview of contracts)” in the “Foundation of business law” (comprehensive-training seminar for legal assistants) sponsored by Shoji Houmu.

    Speaker: MOTOMURA Takeshi 

  • 201203

    Motomura Takeshi participated in the symposium entitled "Scandals of enterprises recent circumstances, and coming theme and prospect of Third Party Panel ", held at Bengoshi Kaikan CLEO on March 23th as a speaker and panelist.

    Speaker: MOTOMURA Takeshi 

  • 201202

    Motomura Takeshi conducted a lecture entitled “Legal issues and system development concerning to introduction of seclusion of anti-social forces clause into insurance policy”, in the seminar held by Seminar-Info on February 13th.

    Speaker: MOTOMURA Takeshi 



  • 202406

    The June 12 Nikkei carries a comment by Motomura Takeshi in its article "Japanese Firms' Delays in Disclosures on Key Contracts: Chiyoda Corp Shares Fall after US LNG Joint Venture Partner Announces Restructuring"

  • 202404

    20 lawyers of our firm were recognized in The Best Lawyers in Japan 2025.

    Best Lawyers
    ■ Antitrust / Competition Law
    TOJI Yoshihiro

    ■ Arbitration and Mediation
    UEDA Atsushi

    ■ Banking and Finance Law
    TOJI Yoshihiro
    SAKAMOTO Tomoko
    MATSUDA Takao

    ■ Corporate and Mergers and Acquisitions Law
    MOTOMURA Takeshi

    ■ Corporate Governance and Compliance Practice
    YOSHIHARA Tomomichi

    ■ Insolvency and Reorganization Law
    TAGO Shinya
    MOTOMURA Takeshi
    URANAKA Hirotaka

    ■ Labor and Employment Law
    TAGO Shinya

    ■ Litigation
    TOJI Yoshihiro
    MOTOMURA Takeshi
    YOSHIHARA Tomomichi
    URANAKA Hirotaka

    Best Lawyers - "Ones to Watch"
    ■ Antitrust / Competition Law
    ISHIKAWA Teppei

    ■ Arbitration and Mediation
    SAITO Hiroki
    NAKAMURA Saeko

    ■ Corporate and Mergers and Acquisitions Law
    KARASAWA Akira
    IKEDA Minako
    YAMADA Kohei
    SUZUKI Tomohiro
    FUKUCHI Takumi

    ■ Information Technology Law
    SAITO Hiroki

    ■ Intellectual Property Law (Non-Patent)
    ISHIKAWA Hiroaki

    ■ Labor and Employment Law
    KITAGAWA Hiroki

    ■ Privacy and Data Security Law
    HORITA Koji

  • 202312

    High marks in the Nikkei's Rankings of Reliable Law Firms and Outstanding Attorneys in 2023

    Iwata Godo placed 14th in the Rankings of Reliable Law Firms category of the Nikkei's Corporate and Tax Lawyers Survey. In the Rankings of Outstanding Attorneys in 2023 (overall rankings assessed by companies and attorneys), three attorneys of Iwata Godo were recognized:
    Toji Yoshihiro was ranked 18th in the General Corporate category;
    Motomura Takeshi was ranked 15th in the Crisis Management and Response to Wrongdoings category; and
    Matsuda Akira was ranked 17th in the Business and Human Rights category

  • 202305

    19 lawyers of our firm were recognized in The Best Lawyers in Japan 2024.

    Best Lawyers
    ■ Antitrust / Competition Law
    TOJI Yoshihiro

    ■ Arbitration and Mediation
    UEDA Atsushi

    ■ Banking and Finance Law
    TOJI Yoshihiro
    SAKAMOTO Tomoko
    MATSUDA Takao

    ■ Corporate and Mergers and Acquisitions Law
    MOTOMURA Takeshi

    ■ Insolvency and Reorganization Law
    TAGO Shinya
    URANAKA Hirotaka

    ■ Labor and Employment Law
    TAGO Shinya

    ■ Litigation
    TOJI Yoshihiro
    MOTOMURA Takeshi
    YOSHIHARA Tomomichi
    URANAKA Hirotaka

    ■ Product Liability Litigation
    TOJI Yoshihiro

    Best Lawyers - "Ones to Watch"
    ■ Antitrust / Competition Law
    ISHIKAWA Teppei

    ■ Arbitration and Mediation
    SAITO Hiroki

    ■ Corporate and Mergers and Acquisitions Law
    KARASAWA Akira
    IKEDA Minako
    YAMADA Kohei
    SUZUKI Tomohiro
    FUKUCHI Takumi

    ■ Information Technology Law
    SAITO Hiroki

    ■ Intellectual Property Law (Non-Patent)
    ISHIKAWA Hiroaki

    ■ Labor and Employment Law
    KITAGAWA Hiroki

    ■ Privacy and Data Security Law
    HORITA Koji

  • 201604

    Motomura Takeshi, Okushi Kenichi, Eiguchi Manabu and others represented a financial institution in a case at the Tottori District Court and a commentary article on its judicial decision made on March 11, 2016 (claim for damages brought by a depositor against a bar association and a financial institution resulting from disclosure of the depositor’s bank account information by the financial institution to the bar association following an inquiry made by the bar association to the financial institution in accordance with Article 23-2 of the Attorney Act) appears in Kinyu Houmu Jijo No. 2040.

  • 201504

    Motomura Takeshi assumed position as a lecturer in the area of civil affairs at the Legal Training and Research Institute of the Supreme Court.

  • 201502

    Motomura Takeshi represented the defendant in a case at the Tokyo District Court and a commentary article on its judicial decision for dismissal of claim on December 16, 2014 (Eligibility for Malpractice regarding Refusal of Application for Opening Savings Account [negative opinion]) appeared in Kinyu Homu Jijo, No. 2011, p.108.


  • TOP
  • Lawyers
  • MOTOMURA Takeshi