Non-Profit and Public Corporations

Local Governments

The activities of local governments cover all administrative fields related to local residents, such as welfare, medical care, industry, environment, community planning, taxes, education, water supply, police and firefighting. In addition, as times change, new issues arise that local governments need to address, such as disaster preparedness and unoccupied houses. As a result, the legal issues that local governments face are extensive, and it is often difficult to resolve such issues within the existing framework. In addition to analysis based on specific legislation in the field of administrative law, it is sometimes necessary to go back to basics and study constitutional and other fundamental principles such as the rule of law and public accountability.

We support local governments with comprehensive service, including the drafting of municipal bylaws and advice on legal issues, legal risk and legal aspects of policy work. Our firm includes lawyers who have worked for government agencies, and they have an important role in this work. We advise local governments on handling administrative procedures such as local residents' "audit demands" and administrative appeals of government decisions, and represent local governments in many types of litigation as well as out-of-court settlement negotiations in disputes with residents and other third parties.

Non-Profit and Public Corporations