Consumer Law

Consumer Litigation

When a large number of consumers claim similar damage caused by certain goods or services, the court may handle the matter as a "collective action", in which the lawyers for the various claimants collaborate as a "team". This kind of litigation is complicated, as each claimant may have suffered different damage and may have different demands, and one claimant's case may have an effect on other claimants' cases..

In collective actions, the corporate defendant must pay attention to the risks of a consumer group protest escalating into illegal conduct, disturbance to its business activities, and the effect on its reputation. Not only in the court proceedings, but outside the proceedings as well, the handling of these cases presents difficult challenges. In the court proceedings corporate defendants must often argue not only the issue of damages, but also the issues of whether the requirements for a collective action are met, and whether injunctive relief should be granted.

We have a proven track record of successfully representing companies in a large number of consumer lawsuits, and we leverage our consumer litigation experience to support our clients outside the courtroom as well, with advice on media relations and public relations, among other things.